Saturday 25 January 2014

Chinese Horoscope

Life Assessment

Discover Your Future: Life Assessment

Life Analysis

One's destiny is greatly influence by Heaven, Earth and Human Luck. And each of these lucks would actually account for 33% of one's path of life.

Wondering why is life always full of up and downs? Sometimes surprisingly succeeding in the most unexpected of situations and sometimes, just failing over and over again despite having the best of plans and efforts put in.
Are you someone whom believes in a predestined destiny?
Many believe that they can be master of their own destiny, believing that by trying hard enough they can change and even reverse their own destiny. But facts have shown that not many actually succeeded. Is it because they never tried hard enough?
Yes, to be trying hard is definitely not a bad thing but to be trying hard in the wrong way, it is.
Now, one's very destiny is actually greatly influenced by Heaven, Earth and Human Luck which each accounts for 33% of his or hers path of life. From the day we are born into this world, each of us are predestined or prearranged with this special code of destiny that would influence various part of our life.
Think about it. You couldn't deny the fact that you do indeed have no say over your birth, could you? And you have nevertheless accepted yourself as who you are, didn't you? And to just add on, I must say that you are lucky to have arrived here into this world healthily. Well, some are just not as fortunate as you. As much as they would like to be just as healthy as most, they were born into this world with a little disability. This is what we would call Heaven Luck.
In actual fact, this predestined code of Destiny cannot be changed. But to choose to believe and to discover about your life Destiny, you do have the choice. By understanding your destiny, you can in a way preplan your journey in life and avoid the unpleasant; avoiding making all the undesired actions, which can greatly affect your life.
Life destiny reading is a tool used to predict and discover one's future.
Common Pre-Reading methods ;
  • Chiromancy
    (palmistry, study of the lines and signs of the hands)

  • Bazi
    (Four pillars of destiny)

  • Zi Wei Dou Shu
    (Purple Star Astrology)

  • I-ching
    (Ancient Chinese Astrology)

  • Plum Blossom Divination
    (Mei Hua Yi Shu)

  • Tarot, Numerology

  • Crystallomancy
    (Reading of a crystal ball or sphere)

These Life Readings give an accurate description of a person's life. They are calculated based on the year, month, day and hour of his / her birth or others (method). Beside one's personality, it also reveals individual strengths and weaknesses that can be applied to career choices and other major life decisions.
To succeed in life, we have to always work things around the smart ways.
Life Destiny Reading can be a promising tool for you. Surely with a better understanding of the future, you will know how to better be planning your journey towards success? Think of it this way. By understanding and knowing how to avoid making the unnecessary mistakes in life, success will just be within your reach.
Prevention is always better than cure, isn't it? Knowing how to avoid the Tsunamis and Storms in your life can promise you of a better future...

Thursday 23 January 2014

The Five Elements

The Five Elements

To be talking about Feng Shui, we have to understand the five elements; the relationship of the very five elements which bring about the formation of this Universe. They are the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
All forms in this Universe belong to either one the above-mentioned five elements and are in one way or another, mutually affecting one another, which in turn affect our life. This is an ever-going cycle in the law of Nature.

The Productive Cycle
  • Water generates Wood:
    The rain nourishes the Earth, bringing about the growth of the plants and trees.
  • Wood generates Fire:
    The plants and trees are by nature, combustible matter which generates fire.
  • Fire generates Earth:
    Under flames, article turn into ashes which form soil.
  • Earth generates Metal:
    Soil contains minerals which over time, form metal.
  • Metal generates Water:
    Under flames, metal melt into liquid state and likewise water dew is formed quickly on cool metal surfaces.

Understanding of "Qi"

Understanding of "Qi"

"Qi" is the life-force energy that permeates the earth we reside in. It is the energy that brings life to all beings. Though it cannot be seen or heard, it is always around and surrounding us in this environment of ours, influencing us in one-way of another.

By the law of nature, "Qi" is carried and dispersed by the wind and preserve in the water. And in the practice of classical Feng Shui, the skill is applied to manipulate the "Qi" to bring about beneficial changes in our lives.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice of harnessing the natural forces created in our surrounding environment to bring about prosperity, good fortune, harmony and beneficial changes in our life.
Feng in Chinese means "Wind" and Shui means "Water". By the law of nature, "Qi" is carried and dispersed by the wind and preserve in the water.
It is about understanding of these metaphysical forces of nature better known as "Qi" in Feng Shui's term, to be able to manipulate them to enhance your life achievement; like your career, health, relationship and business success.